Grade R will be given very little to complete at home, from Grade 1, homework should be regarded as an extension of class work. It is the responsibility of senior children to ensure that homework given by the staff is completed by the due date. Parents are asked to ‘supervise’ the homework and not do it for the children – this defeats the whole objective of such homework.
Parents should make it their own policy to check homework and books on a regular basis and not leave it until Parents Evening! Advance notice is given of assignments, projects, etc. and learners should ensure that they plan their work so that it is not left to the last moment. Diaries are to be brought to school daily. In this diary all work is recorded and parents are requested to sign these diaries daily once they are satisfied that all the homework had been correctly completed.
All assignments must be handed in on time. If a learner is absent these should be dropped off at the office on the due date or a doctor’s letter should be handed in on the day of return.