Dress Code

To ensure your child always feels a part of the school and to enhance pride and the tone of Highveld Primary, it is compulsory that the learners comply with the uniform regulations.

Primary and Pre-Primary School Uniform

GIRLS: Summer: Blue shirt (short sleeves) with school badge on pocket; grey flannel skirt with white short socks/grey flannel trousers with school grey socks, black school shoes.
Winter: Grey long flannels with grey socks; blue shirt; school tie; grey flannel skirt with long navy school socks; black school shoes; grey stockings.
BOYS: Summer: Blue shirt (short sleeves) with school badge on pocket; grey flannel shorts with navy long socks/school grey socks with grey longs; black lace-up shoes.
Winter: Long grey trousers (not stove-pipes!); blue shirt; school tie; black leather lace-up shoes; school grey socks.
GRADE R: Same as above except that they may wear black takkies.

NO TRACKSUITS – these are only for sport.
SENIOR BOYS: Senior boys must be clean-shaven
BOYS & GIRLS: School blazer or navy jersey or cardigan or school bomber jackets with the school colours. Navy windbreakers and bomber jackets only on exceptionally cold days. Navy blue Drimac may be worn. All short sleeved shirts to have school badges on. Navy blue cap/beanie and scarf in winter


We have introduced a COMPULSORY attire for PET. Every child is expected to wear their attire on their PET days as well as to have it with them on their extra mural days to change into after school.

The attire may be purchased directly from the tuck shop on a Monday and Wednesday mornings from 6h45-7h15.

The NEW tracksuit now forms part of our winter uniform


The suppliers of our school uniform are:
Economic Outfitters : 21 Booysen Road, Booysens 011 493-2820
Elstree Fashion House : 216 Johannesburg Road, La Rochelle 011 435-3821
Mulbarton Outfitters : Shop 9 Mulbarton Shopping Centre 011 682-2919


The following items are available for the different sporting activities:
Physical Education Uniforms: Navy blue shorts; school T-shirt; school tracksuit
Tracksuits :A plain navy blue tracksuit is to be worn. The school badge is to be sewn on the left of the jacket.


Boys – White school (Highveld) sports shirt; Navy blue shorts; white socks & white tennis shoes.
Girls – White skirt and then same as for boys.


White shorts, white school (Highveld) shirt; school socks; white takkies and school cap.
Netball :White school Highveld T-shirt and the skirt provided. White tennis shoes.


Soccer kits as provided by the school; own shin pads; boots and school soccer socks.


School Highveld T-shirt; Black shorts; Only school tracksuit is allowed.

Cross Country

School Highveld T-shirt: Black shorts; Only school tracksuit is allowed.


Girls – Full navy costume with swimming cap – NO two piece or bikini’s
Boys – Navy speedo and swimming cap
Note that a navy blue tracksuit must be worn by learners representing the school at any official function.


Girls may only wear : A plain black or navy wrist watch – no coloured watches; one pair of gold sleepers or small,
gold or silver stud earrings.
Boys may wear : A plain wrist watch; no earrings.
*Medic-Alert is the only other form of “jewellery” allowed.


Girls: Clean. Tied back from face – tied up when touching shoulders. Conservative. Blue/red/white ribbons or bobbles. Fringe above the eyebrows. *No hair gel. No coloured mousse. Girls may not colour or perm their hair. No highlights. Braids should be tied back away from the face.
Boys: Conservative, no steps or distinctive layers, no pattern shaven heads. Clean. Cut off at the ears and collar. *No hair gel. No mousse. No highlights or colour. Hair should be the same length all round.